Day Hikes Around Orange County - 2nd Edition
Day Hikes Around Orange County - 2nd Edition Sale -1%

Day Hikes Around Orange County - 2nd Edition


Revised and updated 2nd edition features 112 great day hikes from the coastline to the Santa Ana Mountains, accommodating all levels of experience,Detailed hike descriptions accompanied by maps, mileage, elevation gain and other stats, as well as directio

With more than 30% of Orange County covered in preserved green spaces, Day Hikes Around Orange County highlights 112 great hikes beyond the suburbs for you to experience firsthand.

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Best Use Hiking
Dimensions 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Author(s) Robert Stone
Number of Pages 368
Format Paperback
ISBN-13 9781573420747
Publisher Day Hike Books
Copyright Year 2017
State / Province California