Fireside Story Dice
Fireside Story Dice Sale -1%
Fireside Story Dice Sale -1%
Fireside Story Dice Sale -1%
Fireside Story Dice Sale -1%

Fireside Story Dice


Just roll the dice and make up a story based on the symbols that come up; the symbols can mean whatever you want and are simply meant as springboards for story ideas,If you need help getting started, the dice are color coded by theme (i.e., orange for thi

Telling stories by the fire is a tradition as old as camping itself. Coghlan's Fireside Story Dice make crafting epic tales easier: Just roll the dice and tell a story based on the symbols.

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Best Use Camping
Recommended for Ages 6 years and up
Number of Players 2+
Dimensions 3.75 x 2.7 x 0.98 inches
Weight 4.2 ounces