Campfire Stories Deck: Prompts for Igniting Stories by the Fire
Campfire Stories Deck: Prompts for Igniting Stories by the Fire Sale -1%
Campfire Stories Deck: Prompts for Igniting Stories by the Fire Sale -1%

Campfire Stories Deck: Prompts for Igniting Stories by the Fire


While a campfire is the iconic setting for intimate stories, these cards can be used anywhere--on a camping trip, in the backyard, around the dining room table or even online,The cadence and authenticity of personal stories can help us reveal ourselves, a

A collection of 50 cards with storytelling prompts, the Campfire Stories Deck helps people of all ages find engaging and meaningful ways to connect with family and friends, at camp or at home.

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Best Use Camping
Dimensions 5.75 x 4.25 inches
Weight Unavailable